David Piper
🚧 Rebuilding this site in my spare time.

In His Image

6 Mar, 2021

I finished The Talos Principle the other day. I offer no spoilers. The whole game was an incredible experience and I highly recommend it if you enjoy puzzle games and philosophy.

Since the opening few levels, I've been dancing with the difficult questions it asks about humanity. Many of these questions weave beautifully with Yuval Noah Harari's philosophy of stories: how stories are a defining characteristic of our species, and how the stories we tell shape our view of reality.

I don't know the Bible very well, but I know some of the more popular lines and verses. One of them (which I've since learned comes from Genesis 1:27) is:

God created man in His own image.

Combined with my thougths about The Talos Principle, I suddenly realised that this line contains an enormous, almost meta, irony.

For what is the Bible, but man creating God in his own image?